
📌 歷史風華 Historical Background
🔵 位於彰化縣西南的二林國小創始於一九O五年的日據時期,由日據臺灣殖民時期的地方教化機構─「二林公學校」的簡陋校舍,破舊設施,蛻變至今日「二林國小」的巍峨壯麗,美輪美奐。近年來,二林國小校務蒸蒸日上,傳承了儒林人文風采、歷史風華,培育了無數 的國家棟樑、社會菁英、地方賢達,在各行各業出類拔萃,頭角崢嶸,同時也為建設美好的二林鎮奉獻心力、造福鄉梓。
Erhlin Elementary School was established in 1905 under the Japanese Colonization. The school structure is transformed from a simple and crude design into modern and magnificant buildings. Our school has cultivated many elites, professionals and pillars of society. Our school also makes efforts to make contributions to the entire township.
🔵 目前校園內仍矗立著日據時代的 二林公學校禮堂 和日治時期校長宿舍(現為 二林蔗農事件紀念館) 兩棟歷史建築是二林鎮的地標之一,悠然與宏偉美麗的校舍相互輝映,印證了學校的悠久璀璨的歷史風華。
The Grand Hall and the Erhlin Sugarcane Peasants Event Memorial Hall are two main historial landmarks in Erhlin. The two buildings have witnessed development and change of the school and this small town.
📌 未來展望 Future Prospects
🔵 本校以教育專業和敏覺度,在傳統與創新中發展學校特色課程,這些課程包含雙語教育、蔗里故事的文化教育校本課程、創客思維跨領域跨學科的STEAM教育,學校除了重視普通教育發展,對於特殊教育需求學生更是依循身心障礙者權利公約的理念運作。因應社會與地區發展多元化,學校對於新住民子女的關懷與多元文化教育亦是一馬當先。為了促進學生體能發展,學校更組織手球隊、籃球隊、獅隊增進學生運動機會。
Our school also tries to development its unique school-based curriculum. The curriculum includes (1) bilingual education, (2) school-based cultural education of the Sugarcane Farmers Event and (3) STEAM education. In addition to the development of normal education, our school follows rules of CRPD (the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) and multicultural education. We respect and emphasizes the educational rights of students with special educational needs (SEN) as well as those with different cultural backgrounds. In order to enhence students' physical development, our school also organizes a handball team, a baseketball team and a lion-dancing team to increase students' opportunities of taking exercise.
🔵 聯合國永續發展目標的世界潮流啟動了深耕在地文化底蘊的文化生活圈,共享資源並共創榮耀。建構出一個「二林學」的架構,並引導學生了解當地二林的歷史及文化,更進一步地促使其關懷、關注社區及鄉土,也培育其自我認同感,開展學習潛能,期能培育適應現在,面對未來挑戰之核心素養,成為「有活力」、「有能力」、「有效率」之春風二林人。
Owing to the global trend of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our school shares its recsources and attempts to construct a way of studying and learning in this small town, and this may be called 'the Studies of Erhlin'. We expect that our students become energetic, capable and effective citizens and have the capability to face the future challenges.